
Monthly Archive for: ‘October, 2014’

  • Types of Financial Statements


    estados financieros humacao

    On occasions I have heard people say they need a certified financial statement, authenticated, ponchado, sealing, etc. there are only three types of reports of financial statements: compiled, reviewed and audited. The only accounting professionals who are licensed by the State to sign this type of financial statements are the CPA. When you request a financial statement, you should ask which of the three types you are requesting.

  • I inherited a property, now what do I do?


    abogado sucesiones humacao

    It is not easy to speak about the issue of succession following the death of a loved one. In spite of this, it is recommended that you do so without delay. While more time goes on, more complicated becomes the process of inheritance. The first thing to do is to obtain the following documents: death certificate, marriage certificate if the deceased was married, and the birth certificates of the children or heirs.

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